
Our clients typically reside in sectors with high-performing individuals, teams, and organizations operating complex systems under high-stake conditions were effectiveness, safety, and competitiveness are critical. This include domains such as defence & space, aviation & aerospace, health care, police & fire services, automotive industry, oil & energy, and finance.


Examples of completed and ongoing client projects:


  • Getinge, Sweden
    • Decision support for Intensive Care Units (2022-ongoing)
  • Swedavia, Sweden
    • Research project on methodology supporting accelerated concept development and evaluation in air traffic control (2022-ongoing)
    • Pre-study for research project on decision support for curved approaches (2018)
  • SCANIA, Sweden
    • Driver interaction simulation design, development, maintenance and test lead (2019-2022)
    • Simulator and HMI prototypes for user testing in HAVOC (Heavy Vehicle Operation Center) research project (2021)
    • Human-automation interaction and teaming for self-driving trucks/buses leveraging the use of agile simulation and virtual/augmented reality for concept development and experimentation of holistic HMI solutions ranging from control rooms to mobile devices (2015-2019)
    • Concept capability demonstrator for simulation-based design and evaluation of driver interaction techniques (2015)
    • Feasibility study of simulation-based design and evaluation of driver interaction techniques (2014)
    • Strategic R&D roadmap for vehicle ergonomics (2013)
  • Center for Simulator Maritime Training (CSMART), The Netherlands
    • Expertise supporting the requirements analysis, design, and implementation of an observer-based evaluation software for proficiency assessment and certification of deck officers for use in simulation-based and on-board exercises as an integral part of a learning management system (2015-2018)
  • Dubai Air Navigation Services (DANS), Dubai
    • Human-system integration review of operational requirements for remote aerodrome control services (RACS), i.e. sensor-based air traffic management (2015)

Government Agencies

  • Swedish Transport Administration R&D Funding
    • Research project on Air Traffic Control decision support for curved approaches (2019-2022)
  • Office of Naval Research – Global (ONR-G), USA
    • Grant funds for research on stress-adaptive training design for accelerated learning and improved performance in high-stress situations (2017-2020)
  • Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)
    • Research project on the organisational prerequisites and possible pedagogical improvements enabling accelerated learning during the life-cycle of learning for nuclear power plant personnel (2023-ongoing)
    • State of the art review concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Swedish Nuclear Power industry (2019-2020)
    • Research project on competency-based evaluation methods focused on control room operators in simulator training and integrated system validation of central control room (2018-2019)
    • Research on the use of structural equation modelling techniques for analysis and presentation of human-system performance assessments in integrated system validation (2016-2017)
    • Expertise support to oversight reviews of human-system performance aspects of integrated system validation due to modifications affecting central control room operations (2015)
    • Research on the cognitive effects of mild, acute hypoxia including an exhaustive literature review and an experiment investigating the human performance implications of oxygen reduction as a fire safety measure for nuclear power plant operations (2014)
  • Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV)
    • Project developing prototype concepts for human-swarm interaction, demonstrating how human operators can control a swarm of drones effectively (2023-ongoing)
    • Prestudy of human-swarm interaction with a review of the state of the science concerning how human operators can and should control a swarm of drones (2022-2023)
    • Workshop series concerning humans in autonomous system (2019)
    • Human-centred automation: state of the art report on key aspects of human-automation collaboration (2015)
    • Technical readiness review of current and future trends of human-machine interaction technologies (2014)
    • Development and organizational integration of a process for human-systems integration (HSI) for life-cycle management of systems for the Swedish Armed Forces (2013)

In addition to client projects, GEISTT is frequently invited as a consortia partner (industry, academia, agencies) for national/international R&D grants (e.g. EU financed R&D).

Examples of past and current clients which we are proud to work with:

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