A couple of weeks back, when the coronavirus outbreak started to affect our daily lives, we at GEISTT joined our friends at Navigraph and the Simmers Without Borders team in contributing to COVID-19 vaccine research by donating computer processing power to the Folding@home distributed computing research project.
Simmers Without Borders started as an initiative by some developers at Navigraph, a company in the flight simulation industry, with the aim to use spare or unused computing power to help speed up the search for a coronavirus vaccine.
Folding@home (FAH or F@h) is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics.
Simmers Without Borders - the team - check our progress - join the team
Folding@home - the research project
Start folding - anyone with a computer can contribute!